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MOVIES IN MY MIND is listening training for children.

It's like your child's first audiobook!

Children are born to be inquisitive. They are born imaginative and  inventive. Children are born with a “full deck” of creative skills. In earlier generations, these skills were nurtured with storytelling and dialog with adults. That’s how we learned language and thinking skills and how our brains have learned to learn.


With the introduction of screen-based entertainment, however, children have been denied the storytelling and listening-based instruction that earlier generations enjoyed. Fast-moving images and quick edits on a screen have taken the place of engaging tales, depriving many children of today the joy of listening and visualizing what they hear. Their attention is focused on a screen and they are shown everything they’re told. They are losing the ability to imagine something without having seen it first. They are losing their visualization skills and their imaginations.

Our solution is a return to storytelling.


The Movies In My Mind series is a set of six recorded stories designed to help children ages 3 to 10 develop and strengthen their listening and imagination skills. The stories are 27 to 30 minutes in length and can be purchased as a set or individually.


As a constructive alternative to TV and videos, these award-winning recordings use detailed dialog, music and sound effects to create vivid stories that kids can "watch" with their eyes closed. This helps build the listening skills children need to succeed in school, skills they lose when exposed to too much screen time, or spend too long with computers and portable electronics.

With age-appropriate vocabulary and historical story subjects, the Movies In My Mind series encourages kids to listen and create images better than anything they can see on a screen. It encourages them to enjoy the theater of their own imaginations, and movies in their minds!


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